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W_4261 (Formerly: 127 Aps Gym)
10/6/2024 9:53:02 AM
The first 46 rated fighter now exists.!

ZWIP has won, again, highest rated fighter award. The Can Crusher, is the highest rated fighter ever. 46 rating. Rating/Status:46/46
Record: 52-2-0 (40/2) (Only 2 losses!?)
World title fights record: 19-1-0 (11/1)
State: A
All time 4P4 Ranking:4 (Should be 2, or 1!)
He can't get new fights, since no fights are available. Also, if you look at U.S. Midwest Heavyweight Championship, not to brag or anything, but my fighter, Speedy Gloves, made back in April 2024.
I'm sure ZWIP never thought that back on 9/8/2013 8:17:34 PM when he got his first fight, that he would become the highest rated fighter. He even had a world title by 10/6/2013? What? Great timing then, 1/365.25 for that to work. He also had World Titles happen late-2018 to early-2019 era. All to become, honestly, top 3 fighters of all time because of his rating and record. WHO WILL GET THE FIRST 47? I guess that by 06/07/2025, our first 47 will exist. Still might be too early.
Did you like this post?
As a bonus, my gym is having success, being Level 11 and Super-Bantam - Stormy looks promising, with a regional title. Later, I might attempt getting Level 19, so my previous world titles increase my level even more!

W_4261 (Formerly: 127 Aps Gym)
8/25/2024 9:10:53 AM
ZWIP possibly getting another 45 rated fighter, bu

Hi! After searching around BDB, I realized that ZWIP, if he fights and beats BOT-225825, ZWIP would get his 3rd 45 rated fighter. The thing is, once reaching 45, he will have no bots to fight. I don't think people want to force bots this high. I think a very fun idea would be for the game to generate a 45 rated out of either "Mean and Nasty" or "The Can Crusher" so ZWIP would have an interesting fight. If he wins, his reward would be his first 46 rated fighter. And maybe when he get like 3 or 4 fighters to 46, the game would generate a 46 bot! Rinse and repeat until like 49... 50 should maybe be reserved for something cool/special.....

Rico Boxing Gym
6/22/2024 8:50:52 AM
Forced Fights

I’m curious what the purpose of forced fighting is. I’ve only done it one time, but before I did, I sparred with the fighter. I sparred until I came up with a fight plan that would beat this fighter. I then forced the fight and got my first win. Truthfully, it felt like I was cheating. I mean, isn’t this a way that you can pad your record? You can actually see their fight plan. Doesn’t this make it too easy to get wins? It does in my opinion. I like the sparring option because it’s basically preparation for fights. And this is where you hone in on a strategy for an upcoming fight. But I’m not sure that being able to spar against the fighter you can potentially challenge/force is necessarily realistic. I think sparring should be limited to the time after a scheduled fight. Meaning if you are not scheduled to fight anyone, then you can’t spar anyone. However, after you are scheduled to fight someone, you should then be able to spar with any fighter -except the fighter you are scheduled to fight. This makes you have to find a similarly skilled fighter ( in terms of ability points and style) to spar with in preparation for the upcoming opponent. Just like the real life boxing world. This is not a complaint.This is just my opinion, and I’m curious what others think

Laalyville Champion Status
8/12/2023 8:05:42 AM
Bot vs Bot

Has there ever been a thought to schedule bot vs bot matches? I ask because it could help with scouting (0-0 records) and maybe add some color to face a bot that is 20-0 versus 2-0 when I'm 18-0.

The Legends of Boxing
6/15/2023 1:29:46 AM

Will there be any new tournaments?

4/13/2023 12:02:50 PM
Popping in

I was looking through old emails and found one from this site. Logged in to see if the old gym was still intact. Not sure how many are still around from my playing days. Hope you're all doing well.

Team Croc
7/7/2022 2:14:24 AM

Match Wednesday, July 6, 2022


Red Robyn Yummmm landed 23 of 26 punches, and Stefany "The Striker" Sinclair landed 42 of 46 punches.
Red Robyn Yummmm won the round 10-9


Red Robyn Yummmm landed 23 of 24 punches, and Stefany "The Striker" Sinclair landed 39 of 44 punches.
Red Robyn Yummmm won the round 10-9


Red Robyn Yummmm landed 23 of 25 punches, and Stefany "The Striker" Sinclair landed 37 of 48 punches.
Red Robyn Yummmm won the round 10-9


Red Robyn Yummmm landed 82 of 93 punches, and Stefany "The Striker" Sinclair landed 85 of 94 punches.
Red Robyn Yummmm won the round 10-9

This fight is too close to call. => with correct judges my boxer Stefany "The Striker" Sinclair won this fight
Best greetings , Team Croc (my boxer w'll beaten up the judges !!!)

9/6/2021 10:04:24 AM
BigDawgBoxing Fighter Divisions

This is a link to a Google Slideshow. Instructions are on slide 1, slide 2 is the divisions (not including Test Division 1 or RBR Fights Test Division). Now, time for the link: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1GtN4s6peVHbHnxCy_71xix08YzzQh5_9NlfaG_UeYA0/edit?usp=sharing

Blunt Force Trauma Gang
8/25/2021 2:28:37 AM
Heavyweight Classic League

Heavyweight classic league that has no bots, just managers that create fighters and champion can't be fought til their 15 rating. Send an invite for this and put a tournament on the side. This would be epic if it's possible. Limit managers to 5 active fighters.

8/20/2021 8:30:13 PM


Game Admin
6/13/2021 8:38:16 AM
Proper use of press releases

We have a game suggestion posted in the news because it was issued as a press release.

Not appropriate. This breaks the role-playing aspect of the game and conflate the manager/fighter role.

Please don't do this. We have the support forum for this.

Team Croc
3/28/2021 4:10:29 AM
Incapable jury

The gods (jury) must be crazy ! ! !


Zipp 001 landed 5 of 16 punches, and ."Brown Eyed Girl". landed 13 of 16 punches.
Zipp 001 won the round 10-9

Zipp 001 landed 5 of 16 punches, and ."Brown Eyed Girl". landed 13 of 17 punches.
Zipp 001 won the round 10-9

Zipp 001 landed 5 of 17 punches, and ."Brown Eyed Girl". landed 14 of 17 punches.
This round was a 10-10 tie.

1/31/2021 9:07:53 PM

Aaron was on Sunday Night and made a few fixes to the game.
There is no longer a limit to rating and AP's. Being able to update
your gym description was also addressed. There was some things
that were unstable about HTML. Would anyone be interested in using
wiki markup? Boxeboxer is now also fixed,,LOL

Team Croc
1/16/2021 5:28:01 AM
Fighting Dirty

Press Releases
"Lady KnockOut" 11 jan 2021 :
Eater drills Lady Knockout with a bite to the ear! "Lady KnockOut" seems unable to continue the bout! The referee halts the bout!
"Lady KnockOut" wins by forfeit!!
Next fight against Eater I'll put on a walkman !!!
Best Greetings, Lady KnockOut

Game Admin
12/30/2020 5:22:34 PM
Get your fight plans in

Having some issues with Microsoft and being the time of year, reaching anyone is turning into a nightmare. It's a billing thing. They want money. I have money to give but they can't seem to take it. "Shouldn't" lead to an outage but you never know.

Usually giving people money is the easy part.

Trailer Park Talent Show
7/22/2020 12:24:16 PM
Unofficial Light-Flyweight Tourney - "The Gauntlet

Alright boys,

First round of fights for our pseudo-tourney / race to WT have been scheduled. Looks like Meadows will be joining us as well. Lucky for him, he gets to fight a non-participant this first round.

This week's showcase fight is between myself and 53rd, given it was our egos that kicked off this whole thing. (Thank you scheduler gods for pairing us.)

#1) PRIMETIME FIGHT: NVAX (53rd Street Gym | 0-0-0) vs. COVID-19 (Trailer Park Talent Show | 0-0-0)

Both managers come in with clean records and fighters falling outside of their normal builds which should make for an interesting fight. 53rd has been running his mouth non-stop offline so I must say that I hope COVID-19 can strangle NVAX with his limp noodle arms.

#2) CREAMPUFF DELIGHT: Meadows LF Clone V1 (Meadows Inc. 2020 | 0-0-0) vs John Valente (ntbadley | 0-0-0)

Meadows Inc. should have a pretty easy time dismantling John Valente given his lack of fight plan and absentee manager. Chalk this one up as dub for Meadows.

#3) PLAGIARIST PUGILIST SHOWDOWN: Cletus "The Chicken Coop Miracle" Dumbbell (J.Aaron Hall | 0-0-0) vs Big Boys Natural Born Killa (Alcatraz Gym | 0-0-0)

JAH faces Alcatraz this week in what I'm calling the Plagiarist Pugilist Showdown. Normally, I'd think a level 0 fight against Alcatraz would be as much of joke as Meadows' fight but looks like Commissioner ZWIP made a few tweaks to Natural Born Killa. No fight plan is readily available for JAH in sparring and Natural Born Killa has shown extreme confidence in his PRs. By the looks of Cletus' advertised fight plan, we can expect to see a comical showing from JAH. Of course, we're no dummies, so we know this is a ruse. Hopefully, JAH's fight plans are better than his PRs so he can eke out a W and come play with the big boys.

Best of luck to all participants! I'm sure ZWIP will be waiting for us at the top.

Nicholas "Knuckles" Marsolo
5/2/2020 10:11:15 PM
Is a 17 year-old fightplan still effective?

Haha... How the hell are you people. Hope you've been well monsieur guimond

Jumbo "Flash" Stevenson
9/26/2020 1:37:37 AM

Hi guys, back in the day I trained under the name "Panama Lewis". This game was everything to me in my mid-teens, and actually has led to me following my heart and managing boxers in the real world. I never guided a boxer to a world title here, but have managed 9 world champs in the real world hahahahahaha Ironic, isn't it?

Anyways, wanted to say "Hello" to everybody. Any old time friends, love to connect once again.

Wish I could login to the old gym. Been so long I can't access the old email for the login, forgot the password, etc etc. Managed to find the gym account searching through old results and seen that at some juncture there was a fighter clear out from inactive gyms perhaps?

Anyways, hope everyone is lovely.

Panama - AKA Mike :)

8/30/2020 8:33:23 AM
Tournament Invites

OK, I admit I am not on here so often. But if I receive a tournament invite it doesn't seem intuitive on how to create a fighter to join the tournament.
What's the process?

6/11/2020 2:56:48 PM

No clinch. No inside. Elimination by
KO only!
More details to follow.

8/3/2020 12:37:40 PM

OK Guys, get your tourney guy made!! Remember when making him that you
cannot go inside or clinch but to eliminate another fighter he must be Koed.
Good Luck!

Team Croc
8/20/2020 3:33:35 AM
Duking Bots

All my fighters are duking bots. Why i have this week 2 fights against them ? Is the option duking bots still available ?
Best Greetings from Team Croc
e-mail : danny.daron@telenet.be

6/29/2020 9:21:53 AM
Alcatraz Gym.

It has been a while since myself or DB has posted Alcatraz FP's..I will again. We made the
Alcatraz gym probably 7 or 8 years ago to put fighters from Suspended gyms in. On occasion
we have had a Alcatraz fighter give away. Most of the fighters are pretty old and beat up by
now but there are still some viable fighters there. Take a look..if there are a few guys that are not
retired and you want them either PM me or post them underneath and I can send them over
to your gym. There is a Dancer/Slugger/Tgh and Outside plan put in each fighter and they never
change. Actually I hadn't been in for a long time to check up on things,,LOL...I only went in today
because I was fighting a Alc guy for HW championship...The guy I am fighting had over 2500 AP
points to spread around..For fairness I spread them out so he is much better now than before.
Here is Alc plans..actually pretty decent plans.
1) 4H/6/10 (ring)
2) if score >=1 then 4b/6/10 (ring)
if score <1 then 7h/4/9 (ring)
3) if score >=4 then 3h/6/11 (ring)
if score =3 then 1/1/15 (ring)
if score =2 then 4b/6/10 (ring)
if score =1 then 5b/5/10 (ring)
if score <1 then 9/4/7 (ring)
if score <=-2 then 5b/6/9 (ring)
8) if score >=4 then 3h/6/11 (ring)
if score =3 then 1/1/15 (ring)
if score =2 then 4H/6/10 (ring)
if score =1 then 5h/5/10 (ring)
if score <1 then 9h/4/7 (ring)
if score <=-2 then 6b/5/9 (ring)
9) if score >=1 then 4h/7/9 (ring)
if score <1 then 6h/5/9 (ring)
if score <0 then 9h/4/7 (ring)
if score <=-3 then 5h/7!/8 (ring)
12) if score >=2 then 1/1/18 (ring)
if score <2 then 9h/4/7 (ring)
if score <=-2 then 5h/7!/8 (ring)

1) 4h/9/7 (clinch)
2) 4b/9/7 (clinch)
if opp is tired then 5b/9/6 (clinch)
if opp is hurt then 5h/10/5 (inside)
8) if score >=2 then 5h/10/5 (clinch)
if score <2 then 5h/11/4 (clinch)
if opp is hurt then 5h/10/5 (allout)
11) if score >=2 then 5h/10/5 (clinch)
if score <2 then 5h/11/4 (inside)
if score <=-2 then 5h/10/5 (allout)
if opp is hurt then 5h/11/4 (allout)

1) 4h/7/9 (outside)
2) if score>=1 then 4b/7/9 (outside)
if score <1 then 6h/4/10 (outside)
3) if score >=4 then 3h/6/11 (outside)
if score =3 then 1/1/15 (outside)
if score <3 then 4b/7/9 (outside)
if score <=0 then 7/4/9 (outside)
if score <=-3 then 5b/6/9 (outside)
9) if score >=2 then 4h/7/9 (outside)
if score <2 then 7h/4/9 (outside)
if score <=-3 then 5h/6!/9 (outside)
11) if score >=2 then 4h/7/9 (outside)
if score <2 then 7h/4/9 (outside)
if score <=-3 then 4h/8!/8 (allout)

7/19/2020 9:05:14 AM
Bot Champs

I was looking through the rankings and was asked by a few managers to do
this and I think it is a great idea. If there is a bot WT holder but there are
2 real managers below them with the next upper rated fights I will strip
the bot and let the 2 real managers fight for the WT. Make for more fun.
The tag will take place after fights get scheduled 10pm Central time.
Good Luck and look at rankings because WT fights will become lower rated.
Example, now I will strip the Super Bant. Bot champ so after tonight's
scheduler, the 11 rated fight between Trailer and Weaver will become tagged as
the WT fight.

7/20/2020 8:23:45 AM
Press Release

Looks like we have a good old fashion PR war going on between
3 managers. Feel free to throw your 2 cents in or do some heckling
of your own! A challenge was also issued as well between JAH and 53rd.
This should be good!! Hell, throw some fighters in LF and mix it up
with the boys..LOL