
Currently Online:

Ekarbus Nivekius

Originally hailing from Parts Unknown and now fighting out of the AustralAsia and South America region, Ekarbus Nivekius is currently Inactive joined the game 8/27/1999 3:24:22 AM and was last online 9/15/2003 5:59:30 PM

Ekarbus Nivekius has achieved level 0

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Ekarbus Nivekius is an ancient roman gladiator trainer brought to the 20th century by freak fluctuations in the space-time continuum. After learning the current language, he decided to find glory in this new time in the way he knew best, teaching people to hit each other really, really hard.

Overall Record 69/40/4 (26/20)
Amateur Record 44/10/0 (15/3)
Pro Record 25/30/4 (11/17)

Fighters who have been recruited:
Johannes HammerthrowREGIONAL CHAMPION 12/4/0 (1/1) recruited by Worknman in the US East region, now 31/23/0 (3/7) 1/2/0 (0/1) in championships
Sebastion Moriaty 5/0/0 (0/0) recruited by Smith's KO Killers in the US South Region, now 5/2/0 (0/2)
Kahless Rasputina 6/1/0 (5/0) recruited by EJ Boxing Corp. in the US South region, now 9/8/1 (8/7)
Garfield OkrandREGIONAL CHAMPION12/4/0 (9/2) recruited by Top Rank in the US West region, now 15/5/0 (10/2) 1/0/0 (0/0) in championships