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Botton Belt, anyone?

Posted 2017/08/06 6:41 PM by ZWIP

Our resident tourney expert Salvageyard has made an appearance. It is time once again to have a fun filled quest for a famous Botton
Banner to display in your gym.

Any suggestions?

I will throw one out. How about a tourney where the participants make one fighter in each WC plus toughman and SH for fun.

The first manager to get all your fighters to a certain rating,,,5, 6, 7 whatever wins
the coveted Botton Banner?

This stuff seems to bring older managers and newer ones back to the game..
in each of the original

Posted 2017/08/06 6:42 PM by ZWIP

We could use just the original 10 classes:)

Posted 2017/08/07 1:48 PM by Salvageyard

I like this idea... yeah, keeping it down to the original WC would make it easier on me :P ...I have an idea, but need to talk to the Big Guy about it...

Posted 2017/08/07 10:21 PM by Neo

One fighter is enough for me...how about a freak build tourney where we all start with the same exact aps

Posted 2017/08/10 7:30 AM by Salvageyard

I was thinking about a whole new division... Z and I talked about it. A division that is like old time boxing... no round limit, no cheat penalties, maybe with the cut variable increased and weight bonus that started at 350lbs. It would be like the bare knuckle fights of the past. If we could start that division, I would do a tournament/contest for the new division.

Posted 2017/08/10 9:32 PM by Neo

