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Need input on mobile web site

Posted 2017/03/21 7:06 PM by Game Admin

As we all know...interfaces not my strong suit.

Interfaces even less. I know mobile should be...leaner.

Any suggestions for what should be on mobile site home page for non-logged in users and what mobile users should see as soon as they log in?

Should we bother with community features on the mobile site?

All input appreciated.

Posted 2017/07/01 6:56 AM by Neo

I currently use mobile to play.. I can tell you what issues I have compared to using a PC.. Let me know if your still working on this..

Posted 2017/07/03 11:57 AM by Neo

Cant create fighter on mobile

Posted 2017/07/04 12:06 AM by Big Boy Inc

Can't access threads, blogs, etc

Posted 2017/07/04 8:04 AM by ZWIP

There are 2 different addresses for the
mobile sight..one gives you only the
basics and the other gives you all the
options...I will find the one that gives
you all the options.

Posted 2017/07/11 5:30 AM by Neo

Create fighter needs a create button so fighters can be made from mobile all I can do is validate the stats and name....

Posted 2017/10/07 11:26 AM by Luchini

Just noticed that when you are on your fighters personal page, you get an error msg when trying to view his previous fights....on mobile.
