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Alcatraz Gym.

Posted 2015/06/08 6:28 PM by ZWIP

DB and myself are fighting Alcatraz gym now.
This is Full disclosure of Alc. fight plans.

Dancer Plan.

1) 4H/6/10 (ring)
2) if score >=1 then 4b/6/10 (ring)
if score <1 then 7h/4/9 (ring)
3) if score >=4 then 3h/6/11 (ring)
if score =3 then 1/1/15 (ring)
if score =2 then 4b/6/10 (ring)
if score =1 then 5b/5/10 (ring)
if score <1 then 9/4/7 (ring)
if score <=-2 then 5b/6/9 (ring)
8) if score >=4 then 3h/6/11 (ring)
if score =3 then 1/1/15 (ring)
if score =2 then 4H/6/10 (ring)
if score =1 then 5h/5/10 (ring)
if score <1 then 9h/4/7 (ring)
if score <=-2 then 6b/5/9 (ring)
9) if score >=1 then 4h/7/9 (ring)
if score <1 then 6h/5/9 (ring)
if score <0 then 9h/4/7 (ring)
if score <=-3 then 5h/7!/8 (ring)
12) if score >=2 then 1/1/18 (ring)
if score <2 then 9h/4/7 (ring)
if score <=-2 then 5h/7!/8 (ring)

Slugger Plan.

1) 4h/9/7 (clinch)
2) 4b/9/7 (clinch)
if opp is tired then 5b/9/6 (clinch)
if opp is hurt then 5h/10/5 (inside)
8) if score >=2 then 5h/10/5 (clinch)
if score <2 then 5h/11/4 (clinch)
if opp is hurt then 5h/10/5 (allout)
11) if score >=2 then 5h/10/5 (clinch)
if score <2 then 5h/11/4 (inside)
if score <=-2 then 5h/10/5 (allout)
if opp is hurt then 5h/11/4 (allout)

SH Plan

1) 4h/7/9 (outside)
2) if score>=1 then 4b/7/9 (outside)
if score <1 then 6h/4/10 (outside)
3) if score >=4 then 3h/6/11 (outside)
if score =3 then 1/1/15 (outside)
if score <3 then 4b/7/9 (outside)
if score <=0 then 7/4/9 (outside)
if score <=-3 then 5b/6/9 (outside)
9) if score >=2 then 4h/7/9 (outside)
if score <2 then 7h/4/9 (outside)
if score <=-3 then 5h/6!/9 (outside)
11) if score >=2 then 4h/7/9 (outside)
if score <2 then 7h/4/9 (outside)
if score <=-3 then 4h/8!/8 (allout)


Plans haven't been changed from original
They vary alot...taking a chance if you force one

Posted 2015/06/08 6:35 PM by ZWIP

These are pretty decent plans..you can
tinker around and change some things,
add hiscuts/mycuts and or endurance
conditonals and make them real good:)

Posted 2015/07/01 2:16 PM by ZWIP

Just wanted to remind everyone that if they force an
Alcatraz fighter that is on manual he might not have
the plans listed above. Only Auto guys for sure do.

Posted 2015/11/02 4:37 PM by Dodgeball

bump so you guys know about these plans

Posted 2016/02/24 1:00 PM by Terminator Ty


Posted 2016/06/14 9:27 AM by Dodgeball


Posted 2016/09/18 11:49 PM by Dr. Death

Are these still accurate? Do you still make new fighters for the gym?

Posted 2016/09/19 3:20 PM by ZWIP

There hasn't been any new guys made in a while. I made some straws when Salvage
had his tourney months ago,,but thats about it. All the plans should be the basic plans
There might be a few odd ball ones but just check fight history. Let me or Dodgeball know if
there is some that dont have the basic plans and we will change them.

Posted 2017/12/01 8:10 PM by Dodgeball


Posted 2017/12/01 9:54 PM by Salvageyard


Posted 2019/02/04 8:25 PM by Dodgeball


Posted 2019/04/01 8:34 PM by Dodgeball

I'm lazy
