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Fighter Scouting Report


UGLY DUCKLING stands 5 feet 6 inches tall and reportedly weighs 170lbs. He is currently registered in the Middleweight division. He fights for U.S. West and is managed by Tiftyto

has has a rating of 4, a status of 13 and record of 37-30-3 (17/17) and is currently M .  His record in world title fights is 0-0-0 (0/0)

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As you can see, I do not look like a duck, This is why my name is the UGLY DUCKLING. When I become champ, then I will turn into the best looking Duck you have ever seen. Sorta like the story of the ugly duckling....So, now you know I will try to knock your block off..Beware of the Strange looking Duck..
Here is What I look like now, Since I won the East Regional Championship...
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