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Public Fight Report

(Light-Flyweight) Fly Squat defeated BAMF LizzleFlizzle 2 by knockout (KO) in round 3.

Match Monday, September 18, 2023

In this corner, standing 4 feet and 7 inches (140 centimeters) tall weighing in at 107 pounds (49 kilograms) is BAMF LizzleFlizzle 2!!

In this corner, standing 4 feet and 7 inches (140 centimeters) tall weighing in at 101 pounds (46 kilograms) is Fly Squat!!

The referee for this bout will be Mills Lane.


Lizzleflizzle 2 clinches when his opponent closes. (clinching)
Squat clinches when his opponent closes. (clinching)

-Lizzleflizzle 2 lunges with a volley of left shots to the solar plexus, but is ineffective.
Squat tries to attack, but Lizzleflizzle 2 hangs on until the referee separates them.
+Lizzleflizzle 2 solidly lands a flurry of shots to the chest!!
Lizzleflizzle 2 tries to attack, but Squat hangs on until the referee separates them.
Squat tries to attack, but Lizzleflizzle 2 hangs on until the referee separates them.
Squat tries to attack, but Lizzleflizzle 2 hangs on until the referee separates them.
Lizzleflizzle 2 tries to attack, but Squat hangs on until the referee separates them.
+Squat staggers Lizzleflizzle 2 with a right to the head.
+Lizzleflizzle 2 stuns Squat with a pair of strong shots to the ribs.
Lizzleflizzle 2 tries to attack, but Squat hangs on until the referee separates them.

+Squat connects with a pair of loud punches to the eye. Lizzleflizzle 2 retreats to the far corner.
Lizzleflizzle 2 tries to attack, but Squat hangs on until the referee separates them.
+Squat fires a jab to the face.
Squat lands a blood spattering uppercut and Lizzleflizzle 2 is knocked off his feet!!





Lizzleflizzle 2 struggles to his feet and the fight goes on.
+Squat throws a series of stinging blows to the eye.
+Lizzleflizzle 2 wakes up the fans with a barrage of commanding shots to the chest.
+Squat pounds Lizzleflizzle 2 with a pair of nice shots to the nose.
Squat tries to attack, but Lizzleflizzle 2 hangs on until the referee separates them.
+Squat fires a flurry of shots to the mouth. Lizzleflizzle 2 seems wobbly!
Lizzleflizzle 2 tries to attack, but Squat hangs on until the referee separates them.


According to the commentator:

BAMF LizzleFlizzle 2 landed 10 of 25 punches, and Fly Squat landed 23 of 23 punches.

Fly Squat won the round 10-8

Fly Squat is winning the fight 10-8

Lizzleflizzle 2 doesn't even want to rest!

Squat doesn't even want to rest!


Lizzleflizzle 2 clinches when his opponent closes. (clinching)
Squat clinches when his opponent closes. (clinching)

Lizzleflizzle 2 tries to attack, but Squat hangs on until the referee separates them.
+Lizzleflizzle 2 hits with a pair of blows to the chest.
Lizzleflizzle 2 tries to attack, but Squat hangs on until the referee separates them.
Squat tries to attack, but Lizzleflizzle 2 hangs on until the referee separates them.
+Squat hits Lizzleflizzle 2 with a volley of mean punches to the chest. Lizzleflizzle 2 shakes his head to clear it.
Lizzleflizzle 2 tries to attack, but Squat hangs on until the referee separates them.
Squat tries to attack, but Lizzleflizzle 2 hangs on until the referee separates them.
+Squat connects with a barrage of powerful punches to the ribs.
-Lizzleflizzle 2 lunges with a right hook to the chest, but to no avail.
Squat tries to attack, but Lizzleflizzle 2 hangs on until the referee separates them.
Lizzleflizzle 2 tries to attack, but Squat hangs on until the referee separates them.
+Squat hits with a flurry of stiff shots to the chest.
Lizzleflizzle 2 tries to attack, but Squat hangs on until the referee separates them.

Squat tries to attack, but Lizzleflizzle 2 hangs on until the referee separates them.
+Squat attacks with a pair of nice blows to the ribs. Lizzleflizzle 2 is hurt!
Lizzleflizzle 2 tries to attack, but Squat hangs on until the referee separates them.



According to the commentator:

BAMF LizzleFlizzle 2 landed 9 of 23 punches, and Fly Squat landed 22 of 22 punches.

Fly Squat won the round 10-9

Fly Squat is winning the fight 20-17

Lizzleflizzle 2 remains standing while the trainer wipes him down.

Squat grabs a water bottle and rests on his stool.


Lizzleflizzle 2 is a raging bull!. (all-out)
Squat clinches when his opponent closes. (clinching)

Lizzleflizzle 2 tries to attack, but Squat hangs on until the referee separates them.
+Lizzleflizzle 2 throws a volley of quick blows to the eye.
+Squat wallops Lizzleflizzle 2 with a pair of shots to the ribs.
Squat lands a brutal smash to the jaw and Lizzleflizzle 2 falls to the canvas!!







Lizzleflizzle 2 struggles to his feet and the fight goes on.
+Squat nails Lizzleflizzle 2 with a volley of wild shots to the stomach.
Lizzleflizzle 2 tries to attack, but Squat hangs on until the referee separates them.
+Squat tattoos Lizzleflizzle 2 with a flurry of commanding punches to the chest.
Squat lands a vicious punch in the nose and Lizzleflizzle 2 is knocked down!!







Lizzleflizzle 2 struggles to his feet and the fight goes on.
+Lizzleflizzle 2 catches Squat with a pair of blows to the eye.
-Lizzleflizzle 2 probes with a right right to the mouth, but Squat steps aside and laughs.
Lizzleflizzle 2 tries to attack, but Squat hangs on until the referee separates them.

+Squat smacks Lizzleflizzle 2 with a series of wild shots to the solar plexus.
Lizzleflizzle 2 tries to attack, but Squat hangs on until the referee separates them.

+Squat pops Lizzleflizzle 2 with a barrage of punches to the solar plexus. Lizzleflizzle 2 falls against the ropes!
Lizzleflizzle 2 tries to attack, but Squat hangs on until the referee separates them.

+Lizzleflizzle 2 hits Squat with a series of solid blows to the eye.
Lizzleflizzle 2 lands a bone crushing left punch in the nose and Squat is flattened!!






Squat struggles to his feet and the fight goes on.
Lizzleflizzle 2 tries to attack, but Squat hangs on until the referee separates them.
+Squat hits Lizzleflizzle 2 with a pair of nasty punches to the solar plexus.
+Squat annoys Lizzleflizzle 2 with a series of nice punches to the solar plexus. Lizzleflizzle 2 shakes his head to clear it.
Squat lands a powerful cross to the jaw and Lizzleflizzle 2 staggers. He reaches for the ropes ... and misses -- Flop!!










He's Out!
Fly Squat wins by a Knock Out!!

Lizzleflizzle 2 can't remember which corner is his. He has serious cut above the left eye. He has minor cut below the right eye.

Squat looks exhausted. He has gash below the right eye.

Judge Guimond had the fight scored as follows:

Round 1: Fly Squat 10-8
Round 2: Fly Squat 10-9

Judge Leinbach had the fight scored as follows:

Round 1: Fly Squat 10-8
Round 2: Fly Squat 10-9

George Foreman had the fight scored as follows:

Round 1: Fly Squat 10-8
Round 2: Fly Squat 10-9

Fly Squat wins by a knockout!