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Public Fight Report

(Featherweight) Feather Dork Boom III defeated Bang Bang II by technical knockout (TKO) in round 4.

Match Wednesday, December 26, 2018

In this corner, standing 4 feet and 9 inches (145 centimeters) tall weighing in at 126 pounds (57 kilograms) is Bang Bang II!!

In this corner, standing 4 feet and 7 inches (140 centimeters) tall weighing in at 125 pounds (57 kilograms) is Feather Dork Boom III!!

The referee for this bout will be Jay Nady.


Bang is backpedaling. (using the ring)
Feather tries to cut off the ring. (cutting off the ring)

-Feather attempts a volley of punches to the jaw, but Bang covers himself well.
+Bang tags Feather with a volley of punches to the nose.
-Feather attempts a volley of combinations to the mouth, but loses his balance.
-Feather tries a series of right punches to the chin, but Bang backs out of it.
+Feather solidly lands a flurry of glancing combinations to the head. Bang hangs on until the referee breaks them up.
+Feather fires a wild jab to the jaw.


According to the commentator:

Bang Bang II landed 8 of 8 punches, and Feather Dork Boom III landed 17 of 32 punches.

Feather Dork Boom III won the round 10-9

Feather Dork Boom III is winning the fight 10-9

Bang doesn't want to stop fighting!

Feather doesn't want to stop fighting!


Bang looks for the right opportunity.
Feather tries to cut off the ring. (cutting off the ring)

+Feather wallops Bang with a painful jab to the chest.
+Feather belts Bang with a pair of powerful combinations to the ribs.
+Feather takes charge with a pair of commanding shots to the stomach.
+Bang takes charge with a flurry of wild blows to the face. Feather retreats to the far corner.
+Bang annoys Feather with a volley of loud punches to the temple.
+Bang wakes up the fans with Feather with a bite to the ear! How can the TBG commission stand for this behavior?
+ The fighters trade punches to the nose.
+Bang fires a pair of blows to the mouth.
+Feather shakes Bang with a flurry of mean combinations to the solar plexus.
+Feather solidly lands a off balance jab to the chest.
+Feather slams Bang with a barrage of furious punches to the stomach!!
+Bang grazes Feather with a barrage of nice punches to the face.
Bang lands a tremendous right cross to the jaw and Feather hurtles to the canvas!!





Feather struggles to his feet and the fight goes on.
+Bang catches Feather with a barrage of blows to the face.
+Feather throws a volley of combinations to the ribs.
+Bang takes charge with a pair of blows to the chin.


According to the commentator:

Bang Bang II landed 27 of 32 punches, and Feather Dork Boom III landed 32 of 32 punches.

Bang Bang II won the round 10-8

Bang Bang II is winning the fight 19-18

Bang grabs a water bottle and rests on his stool. He has swelling above the right eye.

Feather doesn't even want to rest! He has swelling above the left eye.


Bang looks for the right opportunity.
Feather tries to cut off the ring. (cutting off the ring)

-Bang tries to land a sweeping right to the head, but fails to score.
+Bang hits with a series of wild punches to the jaw.
+Bang connects with a light uppercut to the mouth.
+ The fighters swap shots to the head.
+Bang hurts Feather with a head butt! The referee sees it and issues a warning!
+Bang nails Feather with a flurry of combinations to the eye. Feather covers up.
+Bang tattoos Feather with a cross to the face.
+Feather lands a series of shots to the ribs.
Feather lands a vicious haymaker and Bang goes down!!







Bang struggles to his feet and the fight goes on.
+Feather solidly lands a pair of furious combinations to the stomach.
Feather lands a blood spattering blow to the temple and Bang is knocked out of the ring!!








Bang struggles to his feet and the fight goes on.
+Feather fires a barrage of strong combinations to the stomach.
+Bang hits with a mean jab to the face.
Bang lands a quick left punch in the nose and Feather is lifted off his feet and onto his back!!







Feather struggles to his feet and the fight goes on.
+Feather jolts Bang with a pair of wild punches to the solar plexus.
+Feather throws a series of combinations to the solar plexus.
+Feather punches Bang with a nasty sweeping right to the stomach.
-Bang tries to land a volley of left punches to the nose, but Feather takes it in the forearms.
+Bang fires a volley of painful punches to the chin.
+Bang hurts Feather with a flurry of blows to the face.
+Feather hits Bang with a volley of painful combinations to the ribs.


According to the commentator:

Bang Bang II landed 20 of 32 punches, and Feather Dork Boom III landed 29 of 33 punches.

Feather Dork Boom III won the round 10-9

This fight is too close to call.

Bang can't remember which corner is his. He has gash above the right eye. He has gash above the left eye. He has cut below the right eye. He has gash below the left eye. He has the right eye swollen shut. He has swelling above the left eye. He has a broken jaw.

Feather remains standing while the trainer wipes him down. He has swelling above the right eye. He has the left eye swollen shut.


Bang looks for the right opportunity.
Feather is using the ring. (using the ring)

+Feather slams Bang with a powerful straight right to the stomach. Feather is hammering relentlessly! Bang seems confused and glassy-eyed. The Referee stops the fight!
Feather Dork Boom III wins by a Knock Out!!

Bang can't remember which corner is his. He has gash above the right eye. He has gash above the left eye. He has cut below the right eye. He has gash below the left eye. He has the right eye swollen shut. He has the left eye swollen shut. He has a broken jaw.

Feather remains standing while the trainer wipes him down. He has swelling above the right eye. He has the left eye swollen shut.

The doctor won't let Bang Bang II continue the fight! Feather Dork Boom III wins by TKO!!

Judge Guimond had the fight scored as follows:

Round 1: Feather Dork Boom III 10-9
Round 2: Bang Bang II 10-8
Round 3: Feather Dork Boom III 10-9

Judge Leinbach had the fight scored as follows:

Round 1: Feather Dork Boom III 10-9
Round 2: Bang Bang II 10-8
Round 3: Feather Dork Boom III 10-9

Sean O'Grady had the fight scored as follows:

Round 1: Feather Dork Boom III 10-9
Round 2: Bang Bang II 10-8
Round 3: Feather Dork Boom III 10-9

Feather Dork Boom III wins by a technical knockout!