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Amateur Boxers

Pro Boxers

Amateur boxers are created from a selection of pre-defined boxer types. Their fight plans are chosen from a limited number of plans. Their training is managed for you. Amateur boxers only fight amateurs boxers. Since amateurs only fight amateurs and fight plans and stats are constrained a new manager can face a seasoned vet and have a decent chance of winning. You can turn an amateur fighter pro at any time as long as he deosn't have a fight coming up. We strongly recommend that new players manage amateur boxers until they have a good grasp of gameplay. Pro Boxers boxers are created from "scratch". Their fight plans are created manually from "scratch". this means that pro boxers can have long, complex, and infinitely variable fight plans. You manage the boxer's training. Pro boxers only fight pro boxers. And make no mistake about, pro fights are MUCH harder than amateur fights. When you manage a pro boxer you may be facing managers how have been playing this game for 14 years and have had thousands of fights. Once you turn your fighter pro there is no going back.

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