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by Top Rank

I'm going to start a new commentary featuring the fatest fighters in Big Dawg. Unfortunately I have most of the fighters in the division, but I will try to feature fights that don't always involve my fighters. I will preview 3 fights a week and predict a winner. And maybe even an interview or two. STAY TUNED!

One of the reasons why I started this divisional commentary was because I see the Super Heavyweight division as a very unique division. BDB is great game but the same old Clinch vs. Ring battles we see fight after fight takes some of the creativity out of

May 19, 2011 1:08 PM

One of the reasons why I started this divisional commentary was because I see the Super Heavyweight division as a very unique division. BDB is great game but the same old Clinch vs. Ring battles we see fight after fight takes some of the creativity out of the game. The Super-Heavyweight division adds another component. Massive weight differences add a new component to determining style in fighting. Tall sluggers are a fighter not seen in other divisions and they bring in the potential for more than the predictable Ring and Clinch styles always being used. Now let’s get to this week’s fights! WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP FIGHT

BETABLOCKER 6’6 237 16/16 (SUXEL) vs. ROBERT WALLOW 7’7 320 15/15 (ZWIP)

Betablocker is putting his world championship on the line against the 7’7 monster Robert Wallow. Betablocker is undersized at a slim 237, but he already defeated Wallow. In the first fight Betablocker KO’d the bigger Wallow with a surprising 10th round all-out attack. Wallow will probably be looking for the all-out attack and this second fight will be a chess match. Will Betablocker all-out attack again or try to use his speed to win a decision. I’m guessing Wallow has a better idea how to use his weight advantage and, but I see this fight as a pick’em. My prediction is Wallow by close decision. I gotta go with the fatter fighter.

Ben Roethlisberger 6’9 287 6/9 (Toprank) vs. Yaccam Zap 6’4 244 5/7 (Slambango)

Interesting fight between two balanced dancers. Roethlisberger is taller, heavier and maybe has 2-3 rating points on Zap. This is Zap’s first fight in the Super Heavy’s and Roethlisberger has only 1 win in 7 fights in the division. I’m thinking Roethlisberger is due and has many advantages in this fight. My prediction is Roethlisberger by decision.

Jumbo Man 7’7 453 0/0 (ZWIP) vs. Rubert Avywitt 6’9 314 0/1 (Slambango)

ZWIP you are a sick individual making a 7’7 453 pound freak Jumbo Man. Jumbo Man is one of the biggest fighters this old timer has ever seen. Rubert probably can punch this blob from sitting on his stool. But this is the super heavyweight division when the super fat have the advantage. It’s either going to be a Jumbo Man KO or Avywitt decision. SUPER Tall slugger vs. tall balanced. Not a fight you see too often in BDB. That’s why I like the super heavy’s. Who knows what going to happen. I got the Jumbo Man by KO…he’s just too FAT!

My Current Prediction record is 1-0.

Fight Preview

Robert Wallow 7 Foot 7 Inches (14 Rating/ 15 Status) 325 POUNDS 20 Win 7 Losses and 6 Draws


Troy “If you Want Blood, You’ve Got it” Lindsey 6 Foot 4 Inches (14 Rating /14 Status) 305 POUNDS 6 Wins 4 Losses<

May 09, 2011 3:49 PM


Fight Preview

Robert Wallow 7 Foot 7 Inches (14 Rating/ 15 Status) 325 POUNDS 20 Win 7 Losses and 6 Draws


Troy “If you Want Blood, You’ve Got it” Lindsey 6 Foot 4 Inches (14 Rating /14 Status) 305 POUNDS 6 Wins 4 Losses

ZWIP’s Robert Wallow a 7 foot 7 inch 325 fat freak is taking on just your ordinary, but very annoyingly long named Troy “If you want Blood You’ve Got it” Lindsey who is a modest 6’4 305 fat fighter. Troy hasn’t fought since April 18th, 2003. When asked what he was doing all these years, Troy says he was a cook at the local hometown Buffet. Other than that, Troy is a mystery and this might prove difficult for Wallow’s management to figure out the plans of Troy. However, the super tall Wallow appears to have the weight and height advantage and I think this will make him the favorite in this fight. (PREDICTION WALLOW DECISION)

The winner will get our current skinny champion Betablocker.