
Currently Online: ZWIP 

Help ForcingFights

If you are in your 30 day trial period or are a supporting member you can force fights against bots rated 10 and under. When you force a fight it is scheduled for 10 minutes away so don't force until you are ready to fight and have your fight plan in place..

To force a fight click the "competition" link on your boxer's page, then click the "Force" link next to the boxer you want your own boxer to face.

Against a bot you will be scheduled to fight in one hour. Against a human you will be scheduled to fight in 72 hrs.

Rules for forcing:

  • You cannot force a fight on behalf of someone else's boxer
  • You cannot force a fight between two boxers with the same manager
  • You cannot force a fight if one of the boxers is up for sale
  • You cannot force a fight between boxers from two different divisions
  • You cannot force a fight against a gym that is not currently active
  • You cannot force a fight between two boxers if either is already scheduled to fight
  • You cannot force a fight against a titleholder
  • You cannot force a fight between a titleholder and a bot