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Originally hailing from Midwest and now fighting out of the U.S. Midwest region, Yin-yang is currently Inactive joined the game 12/6/2007 8:57:14 PM and was last online 7/23/2010 12:42:52 PM

Yin-yang has achieved level 2

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"Think smarter and not harder" "Overcome, Adapt, Improvise, Succeed" "Never Give up" and "Be true to yourself" are quotes to live by at this gym. The first means you have to not be stronger or faster but smarter than your opponent to acheive total victory. The second means success needs one two or all three before it to be a success, success too easy is just practice. The third means You don't stop even if odds are against you because you never know who can win until its all over. The last is for a fighter who knows he can't fight no more to retire with honor as well as to know your faults and weaknesses so your opponents (be it life or another fighter) cannot exploit them at will. Now is the time to see if you can live up to the dreams and hopes you give yourself. Join this gym live by these quotes and while your at it make your own.