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Fighter Scouting Report

Marsolo's Cartelagenous Fish

Marsolo's Cartelagenous Fish stands 4 feet 10 inches tall and reportedly weighs 124lbs. He is currently registered in the Featherweight division. He fights for U.S. Midwest and is managed by Nicholas "Knuckles" Marsolo

has has a rating of 2, a status of 4 and record of 5-3-0 (5/3) and is currently M .  His record in world title fights is 0-0-0 (0/0)

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It is said that what does not draw attention to itself invariably will not be noticed. The other conclusion that can therefore be drawn by said hypothesis is that which is not noticed can be dangerous...

The philosophy that covers all of one's bases is a philosophy that must take into consideration every possibility for survival, while accounting for the myriad of unknowns in which we swim everyday.
For in most cases, the world of human existance is two dimensional. One goes to and from the store. One looks both ways when crossing the street. People do what they need to, to get what they need for.

The world around us is a very different place, however. Ask a bird if it looks both ways for danger. It would not understand. Ask a fish. It too, would not understand. Because human beings are the most limited living creature in our habitat in the world. People must make a habitat for themselves, lest they not survive. People cannot swim, nor fly. They are unable to adapt to the environment, so it must be adapted to them.

You see, people must make things to protect them from their environment. A fish has only two options- hide, or defend itself. To a fish, there is just as much danger above and below as there is to the left and right. We come naked to the ring. No technology, just our flesh and our fists. The environment does not adapt there. The ring always has four corners, and four sides.

And there, I will be waiting for you. Adapt... < http://.com/ur.php> < http://.com/ur.php> < http://bookmonn.com/ur.php>