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Unofficial Light-Flyweight Tourney - "The Gauntlet

Posted 2020/07/22 12:24 PM by Trailer Park Talent Show

Alright boys,

First round of fights for our pseudo-tourney / race to WT have been scheduled. Looks like Meadows will be joining us as well. Lucky for him, he gets to fight a non-participant this first round.

This week's showcase fight is between myself and 53rd, given it was our egos that kicked off this whole thing. (Thank you scheduler gods for pairing us.)

#1) PRIMETIME FIGHT: NVAX (53rd Street Gym | 0-0-0) vs. COVID-19 (Trailer Park Talent Show | 0-0-0)

Both managers come in with clean records and fighters falling outside of their normal builds which should make for an interesting fight. 53rd has been running his mouth non-stop offline so I must say that I hope COVID-19 can strangle NVAX with his limp noodle arms.

#2) CREAMPUFF DELIGHT: Meadows LF Clone V1 (Meadows Inc. 2020 | 0-0-0) vs John Valente (ntbadley | 0-0-0)

Meadows Inc. should have a pretty easy time dismantling John Valente given his lack of fight plan and absentee manager. Chalk this one up as dub for Meadows.

#3) PLAGIARIST PUGILIST SHOWDOWN: Cletus "The Chicken Coop Miracle" Dumbbell (J.Aaron Hall | 0-0-0) vs Big Boys Natural Born Killa (Alcatraz Gym | 0-0-0)

JAH faces Alcatraz this week in what I'm calling the Plagiarist Pugilist Showdown. Normally, I'd think a level 0 fight against Alcatraz would be as much of joke as Meadows' fight but looks like Commissioner ZWIP made a few tweaks to Natural Born Killa. No fight plan is readily available for JAH in sparring and Natural Born Killa has shown extreme confidence in his PRs. By the looks of Cletus' advertised fight plan, we can expect to see a comical showing from JAH. Of course, we're no dummies, so we know this is a ruse. Hopefully, JAH's fight plans are better than his PRs so he can eke out a W and come play with the big boys.

Best of luck to all participants! I'm sure ZWIP will be waiting for us at the top.

Posted 2020/07/22 4:42 PM by 53rd Street Gym

My arms might not be as massive as my Uncle Vinny's that he used to beat the shit out of your fellow gym mate Cletus but they are more than adequate to whip your scrawny infectious ass.

Posted 2020/07/22 5:20 PM by Trailer Park Talent Show

Better be careful what you say, old-timer. You're in that high-risk class. Cough. Cough

Posted 2020/07/22 9:32 PM by 53rd Street Gym

You'll be the one struggling to breath after I break a couple of your ribs and nose with my old "noodle arms".

Posted 2020/07/23 12:04 PM by Trailer Park Talent Show

Yeah, I'll be struggling to breathe laughing my ass off at those pillows you call fists. You might as well do yourself a favor and retire now before we even begin. I'm gonna give you so many IPs, they won't be carting you off to the hospital. Rather to the morgue. In fact, I didn't even bet on myself to win this fight. Payout wasn't big enough. I took out a life insurance policy on you and your limp noodles which I'll cash in after the final bell. Then I'll take the payout and buy up all your worthless stock and shutter the company too. Won't be any vaccines for me.

Posted 2020/07/23 7:59 PM by 53rd Street Gym

Pretty big talk for a fighter being trained by a manager than has demonstrated his ineptitude for preparing his fighters to go up against fighters from the highly respected 53rd Street Gym multiple times. You and your fellow gym mates seem to have a lack of respect for anybody that isn't from your little white trash trailer park. You really need to get some new material and stop relying on calling people old as your go to insult. As for placing a bet on the fight maybe you should try to do so at a legitimate betting establishment (sorry if that word is too big for your pea brain) instead of at Jimbo's BBQ & Tire Shop.

Posted 2020/07/24 11:42 AM by Trailer Park Talent Show

I take my previous statement back. I'm already LMAO'ing at your pathetic trash talk. You accuse me of being a broken record, but all I hear out of you is "I hope this word isn't too advanced for your backwoods bumpkin mind." Funny that you think I can't comprehend (!) very fundamental English when I've proven myself to be capable of articulating succinct and poignant assessments of my opponents. Hold on, let me throw that in my trailer park translator: "I see'd yous ain't worth a lick, so I told's you ain't worth a lick."

And hell yeah, we hate anyone that ain't us. We're all kin here. My uncle is my daddy and my brother is my uncle. Blood runs thick round these parts.

Lastly, maybe you didn't quite understand my betting comment. I'm quite aware of how to properly place a bet, and Jimbo's BBQ gave me very good odds, but I stand to make more money from your lifeless corpse than from a W so any financially literate person would do what I've done. Jimbo also runs a monument company if you're making final arrangements. Tell him I sent you and you'll get a cool 25% discount.

Posted 2020/07/24 12:34 PM by 53rd Street Gym

So who was the ghostwriter that wrote your last response since we both know it sure as hell wasn't you?

Posted 2020/07/24 3:42 PM by Trailer Park Talent Show

That's a swing and a miss. Think you're confusing my fighters with JAH's Trailer Park Talent Show inspired fighters' PRs.

Posted 2020/07/27 11:17 AM by 53rd Street Gym

So do any of you outside observers care to weigh in with your prediction?

Posted 2020/07/27 6:10 PM by ZWIP

Alright boys,

First round of fights for our pseudo-tourney / race to WT have been scheduled. Looks like Meadows will be joining us as well. Lucky for him, he gets to fight a non-participant this first round.

This week's showcase fight is between myself and 53rd, given it was our egos that kicked off this whole thing. (Thank you scheduler gods for pairing us.)

#1) PRIMETIME FIGHT: NVAX (53rd Street Gym | 0-0-0) vs. COVID-19 (Trailer Park Talent Show | 0-0-0)

Both managers come in with clean records and fighters falling outside of their normal builds which should make for an interesting fight. 53rd has been running his mouth non-stop offline so I must say that I hope COVID-19 can strangle NVAX with his limp noodle arms.
This fight will be very interesting and set the tone for the
rest of the tourney. I could be wrong but I am giving this one
to the Old Man 53..Experience Talks.

#2) CREAMPUFF DELIGHT: Meadows LF Clone V1 (Meadows Inc. 2020 | 0-0-0) vs John Valente (ntbadley | 0-0-0)

Meadows Inc. should have a pretty easy time dismantling John Valente given his lack of fight plan and absentee manager. Chalk this one up as dub for Meadows.
Meadows in a rout!!

#3) PLAGIARIST PUGILIST SHOWDOWN: Cletus "The Chicken Coop Miracle" Dumbbell (J.Aaron Hall | 0-0-0) vs Big Boys Natural Born Killa (Alcatraz Gym | 0-0-0)

JAH faces Alcatraz this week in what I'm calling the Plagiarist Pugilist Showdown. Normally, I'd think a level 0 fight against Alcatraz would be as much of joke as Meadows' fight but looks like Commissioner ZWIP made a few tweaks to Natural Born Killa. No fight plan is readily available for JAH in sparring and Natural Born Killa has shown extreme confidence in his PRs. By the looks of Cletus' advertised fight plan, we can expect to see a comical showing from JAH. Of course, we're no dummies, so we know this is a ruse. Hopefully, JAH's fight plans are better than his PRs so he can eke out a W and come play with the big boys.

JAH is no fool. he knows the Alcatraz Plan and knows how to
beat it..JAH better win.

Best of luck to all participants! I'm sure ZWIP will be waiting for us at the top.

I WILL be waiting for you all at the top,,You will have to Take it from Me!

Posted 2020/07/27 7:02 PM by Meadows Inc. 2024

thats it....im gonna lose on purpose now!!

Posted 2020/07/29 7:57 PM by Trailer Park Talent Show

Congratulations to Meadows, Alcatraz, and TPTS this week for winning their respective fights.

Unfortunately, for Commissioner ZWIP, he was 1/3 in fight picking. His fighter, Mr. Savage, didn't fare too well in the WT fight either. BOT-189532 bodied him up early and put him to bed in the 6th round. Not one to stay down, ZWIP will face BOT-189532 again this week for a chance at redemption. Has Mr. Savage beefed up enough to go the distance? Let's hope so. Don't want us to get robbed of our shot at de-throning Mr. 52 himself.

Moving on...

Our first loss of the night was dolled out to JAH by Alcatraz. Cletus' chicken-foo (a registered trademark in Bamatucky) was no match for Big Boys' back-alley foo. It likely didn't help that Cletus' manager was so sauced he was speaking in cursive and poor Cletus' feeble mind got mixed up and thought he was winning the fight while e'rbody else knew he was laying an egg. JAH will look to redeem himself when he faces our other defeatee of the week, NVAX.

NVAX and COVID-19 squared off in the week's most anticipated fight. Young versus Old. Age versus Beauty. Unfortunately for NVAX, young and beautiful prevailed against old and decrepit. The fight was a coin flip for most of the bout, but eventually, COVID-19's braun took the wind out of NVAX's sails allowing for a late-round KO. In round 11, NVAX went down like a ton of bricks walking away with the loss and a broken nose. Both things he promised to deliver to the victor. Can he make good on his promises when he faces Cletus and his chicken-foo this week?

Meadows delivered a swift and painful loss to the very underwhelming John Valentine. Meadows pummeled Valentine with blow after blow while JV cowered behind his gloves begging for mercy. In round 9, Meadows gave JV his mercy and with it, appears to have taken the US South Regional LF Title? Maybe. Maybe not. Rankings say one thing and the fight report says another. Either way, Meadows will look to go 2-0 as he squares off against JV for Blood Bath Part Deux.

Like Meadows, COVID-19 faces a mismanaged and washed-up fighter in Mr. Martin this week. If you get a chance to watch the fight. Don't.

Posted 2020/07/29 8:05 PM by Trailer Park Talent Show

My apologies almost forgot.

Tournament Fighter Rankings:
1) Meadows LF Clone V1 (Meadows Inc. 2020 | 1-0-0)
2) COVID-19 (Trailer Park Talent Show | 1-0-0)
3) Big Boys Natural Born Killa (Alcatraz Gym | 1-0-0)
4) Cletus "The Chicken Coop Miracle" Dumbbell (J.Aaron Hall | 0-1-0)
5) NVAX (53rd Street Gym | 0-1-0)

The order was picked on the following arbitrary criteria. Wins by KO are better than wins by decision. Early round KOs are better than later round KOs. Losses to KO are worse than losses to decision.

Posted 2020/07/29 8:25 PM by ZWIP

My Ex Champ Mr Savage forgot to change his FP
last week..he still thought he was fighting a dancer
so he flails which doesn't work to well against a slugger..LOL.
He knows who he is fighting this week and his plan is
already in. BTW.I will try and activate a few Alc guys in the
mix at a few different ratings to throw a wrench in the works
instead of fighting tomato cans every week,,LOL

Posted 2020/07/29 8:25 PM by Meadows Inc. 2024

keep up the great work!

Posted 2020/07/29 8:45 PM by 53rd Street Gym

Unfortunately for me my manager dismissed the Covid nuisance much like Cheeto Puff has and had me ill prepared to deal with it. We had a long wall to wall counselling session and he now sees the err of his ways.

Posted 2020/08/09 7:56 PM by Trailer Park Talent Show

Nothing like sneaking in the past week update a day before the next round of fights.

So, last week's LF Tourney fights were quite mundane with only one legitimate fight out of the whole group. Let's get the boring fights out of the way first. Meadows defeated John Valentine for the second time this week. COVID-19 defeated Mr. Martin. Both fights were tomato can fights but Meadows managed to make tomato soup out of JV again this week, knocking him out in the 7th round. A whole two rounds earlier than last week. COVID-19 won an easy decision against MM.

Also, let's not forget, Big Boys NBK scored a first round KO against Al Haymon's LFly Dork Boom III as LFly doesn't seem to understand the meaning of defense.

Moving past all the snoozefests, we did have one electric fight between NVAX and Cletus "The Chicken Coop Miracle" Dumbbell this week. Both fighters entered the ring 0-1 after losing their first-round fights. The opening bell hadn't stopped ringing and both fighters were trading blows for the first couple of rounds when NVAX switched things up with some heavy body shots while Cletus pawed NVAX around with a flurry of punches. Cletus appeared to be tiring quickly in round 3 and NVAX, smelling blood, went full Rambo throwing an all-out in round 4. This continued for the rest of the fight and Cletus appeared to be slowing down for a mid-fight KO when he covered up to collect himself in round 6. NVAX not deterred, continued to push for the KO, and soon overexerted himself in round 8 then stumbled into round 9 in a KO-crazed delirium. Cletus seized the moment and put NVAX flat on his back early in the round. NVAX, likely still dealing with his KO from the previous fight, didn't get back up netting Cletus his first W of the tourney.

This week's fights are as follows:

- NVAX gets a rest week as he faces Mr. Martin.

- Big Boys NBK faces BOT-200316 in what is shaping up to a slap fest between two heavy hitters.

- Meadows is pitted against Fallout 4. Both fighters frequently send their opponents to the canvas in heaps so this week's fight should be an interesting brawl with no shortage of blood.

-Cletus faces COVID-19 in a matchup between two very distinctive fight styles. Can Cletus outlast COVID's crippling body blows? Or will COVID suffer the same fate as NVAX?

Tournament Fighter Rankings:
1) Big Boys Natural Born Killa (Alcatraz Gym | 2-0-0) || +3 points
2) Meadows LF Clone V1 (Meadows Inc. 2020 | 2-0-0) || +2 points
2) COVID-19 (Trailer Park Talent Show | 2-0-0) || +2 points
4) Cletus "The Chicken Coop Miracle" Dumbbell (J.Aaron Hall | 1-1-0) || 0 points
5) NVAX (53rd Street Gym | 0-2-0) || -2 points

Again, rankings don't really matter as the first to win the WT wins. Of note, ZWIP's Mr. Savage reclaimed his rightful(?) spot as current LF WT holder last week. For reference, points to determine rankings are as follows:
Decision = +1
Decision loss = -1
Round 1 / 12 KO = +2
Round 1 / 12 KO loss = -2
Round 2 - 11 KO = +1
Round 2 - 11 KO loss = -1

Posted 2020/09/16 11:31 AM by J.Aaron Hall

1. Meadows LF Clone V1 7-1-0 (7/0): Rnd 9 K0(1)+Rnd 7 KO(1)+Rnd 2 KO(1)+Rnd 7 KO(1)-Dec(1)+Rnd 6 KO(1)+Rnd 1 KO (2) +Rnd 12 KO (2)=8

Cletus "The Chicken Coop Miracle" Dumbbell 6-2-0 (2/0): -Dec(1)+Rnd 9 KO(1)+Dec(1)-Dec(1)+Dec(1)+Dec(1)+Rnd 11 KO (1)+Dec(1)=4

COVID-19 4-4-0(2/0): Rnd 11 KO (2) + Dec(1)-Dec(1)+Dec(1)-Dec(1)-Dec(1)+Rnd 1 KO (+2)-Dec(1)=1

NVAX 4-4-0(1/3): - Rnd 11 KO (1)-Rnd 9 KO (1)+Dec(1)-Dec(1)+Dec(1)+Rnd 1 KO (2)-RND 11 KO(1)+Dec(1)=1

p.s. I hope I followed the scoring formula correctly. This has not been updated by Trailer Park for awhile

Meadows LF Clone V1 has clearly pulled out in the lead of the tournament with a whopping 8 points due mostly to his brutal tendency to knock his victi...I mean opponents out. He currently has more than twice the points as his nearest competitor.

In second place we have Cletus "The Chicken Coop Miracle" Dumbbell who, in spite of only possessing half a brain and being trained to fight by chickens has managed a 6-2-0 record with two measly KOs. Noteably 3 of his decision wins are against COVID-19 and both of his KOs were against NVAX. He sits in a distant second place with 4 points due to most of his fights involving dancing around the ring crowing.

Third place is a tie between COVID 19 and NVAX with a point each

COVID-19. Oh, how the plagiarist has fallen. He started the tournament off strong with a round 11 KO of NVAX but that and a couple wins over tomato cans have been the highlight of his career. The rest of it is marked by three losses to Cletus. Even NVAX managed to pull a third-times-a-charm and defeated him by decision in on the 14th.

NVAX started off on a rough patch dropping back to back KO losses to co-competitors at the start of the tournament. It looked like things were turning around when he got a gimme fight against a tomato can only to turn around and be disappointed in a second outing against COVID-19, this time by a decision. He won his next two fights against tomato cans, one by decision and one by round 1 knockout. He then faced up to Cletus again and was once again knocked out. A re-match this week against COVID-19 was the charm he was looking for and he defeated his rival by decision.

Posted 2020/09/16 6:56 PM by Meadows Inc. 2024

great read

Posted 2020/09/17 5:57 PM by ZWIP

Nice Read JAH!

Posted 2020/09/25 10:54 AM by J.Aaron Hall

1. Meadows LF Clone V1 7-2-0(7/1) : -1 new point total 7
2. Cletus "The Chicken Coop Miracle" Dumbbell 7-2-0 (3/0) : +2 new point total 6
3. NVAX 5-4-0 (2/3) : +2 new point total 3
4. COVID-19 4-4-0 (2/0) : no fight this week point total: 1

Meadows LF Clone V1 is still in the lead by a single point, dropping both metaphorically and physically this week. Coal Cracker Bowser had his number from the first ring of the bell dropping him first. Although he managed a knockdown of his own, the writing was on the wall by round 3 as he was obviously tired. By the end of the fifth round, Meadows was trying to keep his fighter together with bungee cords and superglue. It was not enough. Bowser came out in the sixth and landed 3 clean un-answered shots, the third being a right hook that put the lights out.

Cletus "The Chicken Coop Miracle" Dumbbell brought himself up by two points this week, scoring a 12th round knockout over Tiny Timmy. Crowing, strutting, and doing his patented chicken shuffle did the trick for Cletus this week as he had won every single round going into the 12th. Timmy went full desperation mode, charging in all-out hoping for a hail mary. Cletus switched from his crowing and chicken shuffle to cutting off the ring while yelling "cock-a-doodle-do biznitch!" A powerful right uppercut landed flush on the windmilling Timmy who failed to get up by the end of the count.

Is NVAX trending up? He is currently on a two-fight win streak, this week's fight being an impressive round 1 KO of LFly Dork Boom III. LFly came out clinching but he had no answer to NVAX's feints. With his sixth shot, NVAX dropped LFly for a five-count and three shots later landed a cross to the jaw that splattered blood over the face of an unconscious LFly. The round 1 KO moves NVAX to 3rd place in the tournament.

COVID-19 is sitting in fourth place, still with his single point. He didn't get a fight this week so he had no chance of improving either. Poor sad little fella. His manager has not been seen outside the trailer park since 30 August, probably on a bender of 40s and meth.

Posted 2020/09/29 11:37 PM by J.Aaron Hall

1. Cletus "The Chicken Coop Miracle" Dumbbell 7-2-0 (3/0) : +0 point total 6
2. Meadows LF Clone V1 7-3-0(7/2) : -2 new point total 5
2. NVAX 6-4-0 (3/3) : +2 new point total 5
3. COVID-19 5-4-0 (3/0) : +2 new point total 3

Cletus is now on top, not because he did anything amazing this week. In fact, he did nothing. He stayed home and nursed a headache from mistaking a jug of antifreeze for uncle daddy's moonshine.

Second place is a tie between Meadows LF Clone V1 and NVAX

Oh, how the mighty have fallen. Meadows LF Clone V1 held twice the points as his nearest competitor two weeks ago, this week he skids into a second-place tie with NVAX. He was battered and exhausted but still winning by a single point going into the 12th round against Tiny Timmy in this week's fight. Meadows was praying his guy could hang in and squeak out the decision but a mighty left from Timmy ended the fight and put him on his first-ever losing streak.

NVAX. The ultimate underdog. The guy who probably wore velcro shoes because if he was as good with shoestrings as he was at stringing fights together he would have gone barefoot. Or that's what we thought. This week's demolition of Locomotive proved us all wrong. He dominated the points game, having a comfortable three point lead going into the 12th round. Locomotive went for broke with a late all-out while NVAX relied on accurate counter punches. NVAX dropped his opponent two times before finally supplying a powerful blow to the head, dropping Locomotive stiff as a board on his back. Congrats to him, he is now on a 3 fight win streak, two of those being KO victories.

COVID-19, the plagiarist-in-chief won a quick victory against LFly Dork Boom III. Realizing he was totally screwed without his manager being around, COVID went directly into a clinch, his opponent attempting the same tactic. Unfortunately for LFly, COVID had more experience hanging onto other dudes and slipped in a resounding right smash to the jaw in the middle of the hug fest. So much for love. The tie at second place and this first round KO leaves COVID in third place this week.

Posted 2020/10/08 4:18 PM by J.Aaron Hall

1. Cletus "The Chicken Coop Miracle" Dumbbell 8-2-0 (4/0) : +2 point total 8
2. NVAX 6-4-0 (3/3) : +0 new point total 5
2. COVID-19 6-4-0 (4/0) : +2 new point total 5
3. Meadows LF Clone V1 7-4-0(7/3) : -1 new point total 4

Tiny Timmy, fresh off his 12th round demolition of Meadows LF Clone V1 last week got a rematch with Cletus. Both fighters being dumb as rocks didn't change their fight plans and the result was just a repeat of two weeks ago. Timmy went down in the 12th and Cletus scooped up +2 points for the week

2nd Place is a tie between NVAX and COVID-19

NVAX sat this week out, resting, relaxing, and enjoying being on a winning streak.

COVID-19 got a rewind of last week with a second matchup against LFly Dork Boom III. A quick left cross planted LFly on the canvas in the first round and COVID picked up +2 in the tournament rankings.

Meadows LF Clone V1 continued his skid to irrelevance, dropping a round 11 KO loss to Locomotive. Clone was winning by a single point going into the 11th but was barely able to stand on his own two legs. Halfway through the round Locomotive was throwing relentless blows at will forcing Meadows to throw the towel in. Poor Clone was so punch drunk he couldn't find his way to his own corner and was removed by ambulance to the hospital for evaluation.

Posted 2020/10/16 5:49 PM by J.Aaron Hall

1. Cletus "The Chicken Coop Miracle" Dumbbell 9-2-0 (5/0) : +2 point total 10
2. NVAX 7-4-0 (3/3) : +1 new point total 6
2. COVID-19 7-4-0 (4/0) : +1 new point total 6
3. Meadows LF Clone V1 7-5-0(7/4) : -1 new point total 3

Using his patented Rooster-doodle-doo-chicken-kung-fu Cletus easily dispatched Light Fly Skool!! this week. Skool tired to clinch but Cletus bulled him into the ropes dropping him twice before a lightning right hook sealed the deal with a ten count.

NVAX took total domination to the next level this week. Dano "Beebee" Johnson!! was outclassed in every category, NVAX winning every round after seven by 10-7 on all the scorecards. Round 10 saw him go inside on Beebee dropping him twice before a brutal left smashed Beebee's jaw, lifting him off his feet and into unconsciousness.

COVID-19 got matched up against "Im 5'0" who was paid off in meth COVID-19 stole from his no-show manager. "Im 5'0" covered up and let COVID-19 punch him for 12 rounds without mounting any sort of offense, leaving COVID with an easy 117-108 victory.

Meadows LF Clone V1!! was matched up for a second week against Locomotive!! who wasted no time in showing Clone who was king of the rails. By the end of round eight, Clone was so punch drunk he didn't know which corner was his. His manager was nowhere to be found so the bum cornering him pushed him to his feet and round nine got underway. Locomotive dropped Clone for a seven-count which Clone somehow recovered from. The writing was on the wall however and moments later Clone's eyes glassed over, his hands dropped to his sides, and Locomotive began to smash body blows at will, forcing the referee to stop the fight.

Posted 2020/10/22 6:47 PM by J.Aaron Hall

1. Cletus "The Chicken Coop Miracle" Dumbbell 10-2-0 (6/0) : +1 point total 11
2. NVAX 5-4-0 (5/3) : +1 new point total 7
3. COVID-19 7-5-0 (4/0) : -1 new point total 5
4. Meadows LF Clone V1 7-6-0(7/4) : -1 new point total 2

The self-proclaimed chicken-foo master is on a roll. This week he took the U.S. Midwest championship from Fallout 4 by 11th round KO. Cletus strutted, crowed, out-landed, and ultimately landed a crushing uppercut when Fallout came out like a raging bull in the 11th.

By the end of the 10th round NVAX was up by two points and neither he nor Tiny Timmy!! were worn out. Timmy foolishly tried an all-out anyway and ran into NVAX's accurate counter-punching. Timmy managed to drop NVAX for a brief 5 count before NVAX placed a right blow to the temple and shut Timmy's lights out.

COVID-19 used up all the meth he had taken from Trailer Park bribing Im 5'0 last week. This week he was left up to his own devices (which are not too many). His manager, now on an almost one-month bender of meth and 40's didn't show up again to give him any advice. He tried to clinch but Dano "Beebee" Johnson was having none of it and took home an easy comfortable decision.

Meadows LF Clone V1!! is rumored to be bumming with COVID-19's manager. This week he tried using the ring against a much faster, agile, and taller opponent in Big Boys Natural Born Killa!!. Clone's manager was so busy celebrating his own birthday that he forgot to manage his fighter. Again. Clone suffered an embarrassing 116-112 blow out on all three judges scorecards.

Posted 2020/10/22 6:49 PM by J.Aaron Hall

NVAX record is 8-4-0 (5/3)

Posted 2020/10/29 10:09 AM by J.Aaron Hall

1. Cletus "The Chicken Coop Miracle" Dumbbell 11-2-0 (7/0) : +1 point total 12
2. NVAX 9-4-0 (6/3) : +2 new point total 9
3. COVID-19 7-6-0 (4/0) : -1 new point total 4
3. Meadows LF Clone V1 8-6-0(8/4) : +2 new point total 4

Cletus defended his regional light fly title against Fly Squat. Fly Squat tired going to the head and body using the clinch style, then moved to grabbing and pounding Cletus. The chicken noises and arms flapping threw Fly off his game, making him miss too many shots. By round 11 he was down on all the scorecards and his corner told him to go all out. Cletus was ready and still too fresh for that tactic and a powerful haymaker connected and ended the night for Fly Squat.

NVAX extended his winning streak to 6 fights with an impressive win over Fallout 4. There was some concern by his corner after a gash opened up after the very first round but the doctor declined to stop the fight and NVAX continued to take the rounds with his slick feints. In round 9 he was counter-punching and a blow from Fallout 4 fractured NVAX's nose. NVAX could smell his impending victory and showed his true grit going back out. Round 10 ended with NVAX up 99-91. Fallout 4 started his usual all-out in round 11. NVAX weathered the assault through round 11 and when it started up again in the final round, he listened to his manager's advice, went back to his counter-punching, and put Fallout 4 away with a sudden punch to the nose.

Third place was a tie

The plagerist-in-chief, COVID-19, had a rematch with Dano "Beebee" Johnson. COVID-19's looser manager, Trailer Park Talent Show, who has not come down off of meth and 40s for almost two months now, again was a no-show for his fighter's match. Dano had no problem putting together an easy decision win over COVID.

Meadows Inc. 2020 came down off of his birthday bender long enough to manage the total wreckage that is Meadows LF Clone V1. Once the leader of the pack, he started this week off on a five-fight losing streak, four of those losses being by KO. This week he got matched up against JagodaLF who had the dubious record of 48-85-0 (9/84). Clone clinched hard to the head and dropped his tomato can opponent with the second punch of the fight, if you can call beating up a geriatric patient that. At least his losing streak is snapped and perhaps he can get back to his winning ways. That is if Meadows Inc. 2020 can remember to actually manage his fighters.....

Posted 2020/10/29 11:58 PM by Meadows Inc. 2024

LOL. i love it haha

Posted 2020/10/31 10:23 AM by ZWIP


Posted 2020/11/07 7:20 PM by J.Aaron Hall

1. Cletus "The Chicken Coop Miracle" Dumbbell 12-2-0 (8/0) : +1 point total 13
2. NVAX 10-4-0 (7/3) : +2 new point total 11
3. COVID-19 7-6-0 (4/0) : +1 new point total 5
4. Meadows LF Clone V1 8-6-1(8/4) : +0 new point total 4

The ole Chicken-Foo did the trick for Cletus again this week. He hopped, crowed, flapped his arms, and won every round against Coal Cracker Bowser. Round 11 saw Bowser go all-out and run his face into a devastating right haymaker. Cletus has now successfully defended his U.S. Midwest light-flyweight belt two times since capturing it, all his title wins by KO.

Right behind Cletus in the point game, NVAX is on a tear through the division. This week saw him extend his winning streak to seven, defeating Fly Squat by 12th round KO. NVAX easily won rounds 1 through 9, then rested up in rounds 10 and 11. He came back out in round 12 to catch the frantic Fly Squat, who was going all out, with a brutal haymaker that sent Squat's mouthguard flying across the ring. The 12th round win puts him only two points behind Cletus in the tournament points game.

COVID-19 won this week in a majority decision against A Male Stripper. Neither fighter did anything remarkable, most of it looking like a couple of bitches slapping at each other. Well, it didn't just look like that--that is exactly what it was. By the end of it, most observers thought that A Male Stripper had won 115-113 but two judges scored it 115-113 for COVID-19 and the third scored the bout a draw.

It's going to be a ramen noodle kind of week at Meadows Inc. 2020's gym. They had to use the last of their cash to pay off the judges during this week's showdown between Meadows LF Clone V1 and Big Boys Natural Born Killa. Most fight commentators had the fight scored 116-115 for Killa but a few Benjamins bought a 115-114 from Judge Guimond and a draw from Judge Leinbach. By the time it came to pay the third judge, all Meadows had left was lint, a punctured trojan, and a losing scratch-off ticket in his pocket. Judge Sean O'Grady wasn't going to throw the fight for free and scored it a more logical 116-113 for Killa. The draw saved Clone from any further embarrassment this week, but only by a hair.

Posted 2020/11/11 10:38 AM by J.Aaron Hall

1. Cletus "The Chicken Coop Miracle" Dumbbell 13-2-0 (8/0) : +1 point total 13
1. NVAX 11-4-0 (8/3) : +2 new point total 13
2. Meadows LF Clone V1 9-6-1(9/4) : +1 new point total 6
3. COVID-19 8-7-0 (4/0) : -1 new point total 4

Points in 1st Place are a tie at 13 points between Cletus and NVAX

Cletus got a gimme fight this week against Iggy Straw. Straw, who barely qualifies as a tomato can, tired out quickly and allowed Cletus to run away with an easy lopsided decision. Otherwise, the fight was pretty boring.

This week's fight against Coal Cracker Bowser was a close call for NVAX. Bowser used clinch, grabbing and pounding on NVAX, as NVAX used his superior hand speed to win rounds one through ten. Round 11 saw NVAX try and rest while Bowser, seeing his impending loss, decided to go balls to the wall with an all-out. The result for NVAX looked pretty bad as he came out obviously tired with a minor cut above the right eye, swelling above the right eye, and a fractured nose. Bowser decided with that kind of success he would try it again. Listening to his corner's advice, NVAX came out strong in the final round and put Bowser's lights out with a devastating cross to the jaw. Both fighters took a metric ton of damage, however. NVAX was slowing down and Bowser looked exhausted with a serious cut above the right eye, a minor cut below the right eye, swelling above the right eye, a bloody nose, and a bloody mouth. NVAX's thrid 12th round win in a row now ties him with Cletus for first place in points.

Clawing his way up from obscurity, Meadows LF Clone V1 won via a round five TKO. It would be nice to say it was a competitive fight but it was not. Clone's opponent, B Wolfe, who went into the fight with the dubious record of 23-21-3 (2/10), was actually on pace toward a decision, taking the first three rounds with ease. A gash had opened below the right eye in the first round. Meadows, worried that another loss would result in another thrashing in the tournament commentary, slipped a Benjamin to the doctor who suddenly decided in the fifth round that the cut, which B Wolfe had fought with for four rounds, was too bad for him to continue. The questionable stoppage got Clone another W which he desperately needed to remain competitive in the race to the title.

COVID-19 got a third fight against Dano "Beebee" Johnson. You know, the guy who smoked him twice last month. The third fight didn't go any better for COVID-19 who, without any manager present, got out-slapped and lost via decision.

Posted 2020/11/15 12:10 PM by 53rd Street Gym

Not sure how it happened but I got scheduled for a WT fight before JAH. I have asked ZWIP to check into it but if it does take place my view it as a normal fight and continue on with the tournament.

Posted 2020/11/16 3:53 PM by ZWIP

I understand 53, The only way anyone can force a fight with a real manager
and not a bot is to be a champ. So I got your fight but had to force it after
I tagged the Alc guy champ. It would not let me "untag" him after I scheduled
it so I will strip the winner of your fight and the REAL champ will still be the real champ..LOL. Things were much easier when I had the ability to schedule and cancel fights...LOL

Posted 2020/11/17 4:18 PM by J.Aaron Hall

1. Cletus "The Chicken Coop Miracle" Dumbbell 14-2-0 (9/0) : +1 point total 14
2. NVAX 11-5-0 (8/3) : -1 new point total 12
3. Meadows LF Clone V1 10-6-1(10/4) : +1 new point total 5
4. COVID-19 8-7-1 (4/0) : +0 new point total 4

Cletus had a rematch this week with last week's opponent Iggy Straw. Once again, Iggy had problems trying to follow Cletus as the Chicken-Foo master ran circles around the ring, clucking, crowing, and out-landing the tomato can that was Iggy. By the end of the tenth round, Iggy was collapsing limply on his stool. Cletus abruptly stopped his chicken act and came out brawling inside in the eleventh, dropping Iggy once for a six-count before sealing the deal with a ferocious left uppercut that put his opponent away for good.

NVAX's manager was so eager to test his little super slugger's skills against Cletus that he petitioned the Boxing Commission for a fight. The commission agreed and scheduled him against *1 managed by the Alcatraz Gym. Somewhere in the confusion (or perhaps some chicanery), the fight was scheduled as a title fight while the division has a legitimate champion. Not that it mattered anyway because *1 ran away with an easy decision. NVAX who, instead of trying to bash *1's brains out like he has his last seven opponents, alternated between back peddling and covering up. *1, being a much taller and faster opponent danced around and took pretty much any round he wanted at will. The results were telling as all three judges scored it a COMMANDING decision of 116-112 in favor of *1. Let's hope that this isn't the beginning of a slide like NVAX had at the start of the tournament.

Speaking of fighters who know about losing slides, Meadows LF Clone V1 continues to power his way back up the food chain although his hopes of winning the title (and thus the tournament) before Cletus or NVAX now appear quite dim. This week he was matched against Rollie Fists, managed by the dubiously-named Soft Fist gym. Rollie tried to clinch against his much stronger opponent and was already needing to be wiped down by the end of the very first round. He then tried to flail in hopes that something would land but not only did Clone take the round on points, Rollie looked completely exhausted by the end of the second. Rollie tried flailing again in the third but there was just nothing left in the tank and Clone dropped him twice, once for a six-count before a lightning blow to the temple delivered a merciful end to the fight, earning Clone his 3rd straight victory.

This week COVID-19 was matched up with A Male Stripper for a second time. Last time COVID barely squeezed out a decision but this time, broke and managerless, he only managed to save himself by a majority draw. Without a manager, even one as bad as Trailer Park Talent Show, there is little hope that COVID-19 will see success in the ring except for a few fights with complete tomato cans like himself.

Posted 2020/11/17 4:19 PM by J.Aaron Hall

*Correction Meadows LF Clone V1 score is 7, not 5. Cause I lexdexiaed the math...

Posted 2020/11/17 6:22 PM by 53rd Street Gym

Guess that is what I get for trying to be a stand up guy. My bad for not paying attention to when the fight would take place.

Posted 2020/11/17 7:48 PM by ZWIP

OK guys, the 9 rated guy is stripped and the 14 rated
Dude is champ again..go get it..LOL!

Posted 2020/11/24 4:10 PM by J.Aaron Hall

1. Cletus "The Chicken Coop Miracle" Dumbbell 15-2-0 (10/0) : +1 point total 15
2. NVAX 11-6-0 (8/4) : -1 new point total 11
3. Meadows LF Clone V1 11-6-1(11/4) : +1 new point total 6
4. COVID-19 8-8-1 (4/0) : -1 new point total 3

This week took its queue from 2020 as a year.

Cletus was scheduled against the current world champion, Cain XVI. This should mean that his round 11 demolition of the champion via a lightning blow to the head should have given him the belt. But nope. The sanctioning body, using 20-year-old software to schedule the fight, made the fight for Cletus's regional title and not Cain's world title. Cletus manager is now petitioning the commission to have a second fight forced with the champion for the world title.

A second robbery occurred this week. This time it was NVAX who was convincingly winning against Coal Cracker Bowser who he defeated by 12th round KO three weeks ago. He had some swelling around the right eye going into the 8th round but by the time the round ended, it had swollen shut and the doctor stopped the fight.

Who wasn't robbed was the resurgent Meadows LF Clone V1. He was matched for a second week against Rollie Fists and the second fight didn't go any further than the first. After getting dropped twice in the second round, Rollie had nothing left going into the third. Clone smelled blood both literally and figuratively, dropped all pretense at defense, and attacked like a wild man. Rollie was so messed up that his own mother couldn't recognize him so the referee stepped in and mercifully stopped the fight. This win puts Clone on a 4-0-1 (4/0) streak in his last five fights and as Cletus missed out on his title and NVAX was robbed by a swollen eye, the title is still out there to be claimed.

The now completely tomato canned COVID-19 had a rematch against A Male Stripper, the same fighter he cheated to a draw against last week. This week the managerless wreck that never was went down by decision. Stripper had his way with COVID, even dropping him for a six-count in the 11th round and ultimately walking away with an easy 116-111 score on all three judges' scorecards. If only Trailer Park Talent(less) Show would come back from his bender and maybe mercifully retire his fighter before his record goes negative.

Posted 2020/12/03 12:56 PM by J.Aaron Hall

SOooo...this week Cletus won the title...so technically he takes the tournament. However, I would be willing to keep running it until at least Clone or NVAX challenge for it. COVID-19 has not been actively managed and is pretty much out of the running, IMO. Should I keep it going or shall we declare Cletus the winner and end it?

Posted 2020/12/03 8:43 PM by 53rd Street Gym

That depends. Will a defeat by NVAX count as him winning the tournament or will Cletus still be declared the winner since he won the WT first per the terms of the tournament?

Posted 2020/12/04 10:16 PM by J.Aaron Hall

I’ll run it until someone actually challenges Cletus. Winner of that fight takes the tournament.

Posted 2020/12/06 8:55 AM by 53rd Street Gym

Ok but it will probably be a while before I get my shot.
