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Pitbull owners sometimes...

Posted 2016/08/22 6:07 PM by Game Test Account

So saw a Facebook post by a pitbull owner that said...

"We as people are being shunned from society. This is not so much about the Dogs but those who own them"

As a dog lover who has nothing against any breed I can only say....WTF??!!! What people? Are the residents of the country of Pitbullvania being wiped out by ethnic cleansing? Suicidal First Nations teenagers, racially profiled minorities, and Syrian refugees are all in crisis. Only someone with no grasp on reality would feel shunned by society because their FAVOURITE breed of dog is banned. It's a consumer choice for Christ 's sake, Middle class white westerners need to stop embarrassing themselves with this shit and go spend some time with the unsupported parents of an autistic child. On the plus side, at least there's no Holocaust comparison....yet.

Posted 2016/08/23 3:08 PM by ZWIP

LOL, I agree completely Big Man. We are unsupported parents of an autistic child.
We will surely trade places anytime.

Posted 2016/11/20 1:48 PM by Stykey

I proudly have both; a 36 year old autistic adult son and a 6 year old Staffordshire Bull Terrier male. :>))
