
Currently Online: Team Croc 

The Spotted Owl Gym ---------(formerly

Manager has purchased credits

Originally hailing from Parts Unknown and now fighting out of the U.S. Midwest region, The Spotted Owl Gym ---------(formerly is currently Inactive joined the game 4/14/2001 11:27:22 AM and was last online 10/15/2001 11:28:09 PM

The Spotted Owl Gym ---------(formerly has achieved level 0

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  • -Managed by the Former Indiana Featherweight Champion-
  • A gym dedicated to raising awareness and money to save the precious Spotted Owl. All fighters here are vegetarian and have nothing but love for the animal kingdom. We believe God gave us this Earth so we may be caretakers. We are united as one and plan to use boxing as our stage to bring light onto the tragic spotted owl situation and other tragic situations in our world. ----I would like to make a comment: I'm American Indian. I have heard tons of racial garbage and even watched my whole country get trashed by white americans while having these same white americans that nearly commited genecide to my people talk garbage about peace. If I say anything that someone thinks is questionable, chances are it's a parody of how I see society treating one another. If I create a fighter, that's that fighter, not me. That fighter is a representation of a portion of society that I see. I think if anyone gets offended by anyone on this game then they need to quit playing. Please do not whine about what one of my fictional characters say. Someone could create a fighter named "The Indian Killer", and it wont offend me. I can keep things in perspective. Maybe they like indians, maybe they dont. Im not gonna get mad just because someone created that. I guess I would rather have people be open about their feelings than hide them. Things are easier corrected out in the open. But then again, this is a game, so maybe that person might be kidding. But I guess alot of people cant joke around because their hearts are truly corrupt. But sometimes Im afraid to talk trash just because some nutcase might not be able to comprehend that my fighter is just talking smack and it's nothing really personal. I guess i'd like to role play and feel constricted cause it's like stepping on eggshells. People are culturally different, they see things different and their going to always offend each other until there is just one culture(which hopefully will never happen). I just wish people wouldnt get so uptight about it. But then again, maybe it's good they are uptight. Geesh, I just think there are other ways to teach humility without restricting peoples speech. I just kind of laugh at all this political correctness in the world, cause it's phoney. It's not real. People disagree. I wish people wouldnt restrict speech cause things are gonna be said that are gonna offend people. I just think as far as this game goes, if your fighter directs any kind of comments towards my fighter and not me, I could care less. I'm not gonna take people talking smack on here personally anyway. Please do not worry about anything my fighters say in the press. Please don't cry. It's just my fictional fighters, not me.
  • I like my fighters to go the distance. None of this allout crap. I hate a fighter losing by knockout.
  • (Gym went pro middle of May 2001)
  • Gym's Overall Record: 40-40-6 (16/11)
  • Pro Record: 34-40-6 (15/11)
  • Amatuer Record: 6-0 (0/0)
  • VS. opp with higher status than my fighter: 5-7 (3/3)
  • VS. opp with lower status than my fighter: 5-2 (0-0)
  • Best Fighter: Jack "The Mouth" Daniels 9-4-3 (4/0) Strawweight.
  • Worst Fighter: Sledgehammer Fists 0-2-1 (0/2)
  • Fighter With Best Record: Jack "The Mouth" Daniels 9-4-3 (4/0)
  • Favorite fighter: Jack "The Mouth" Daniels 9-4-3 (4/0)
  • Favorite Division: Whatever one Jack fights in.
  • Former Fighters: No fighters have been released or sold yet
  • Bought Fighters: Before Purchased -------After Purchase
    Louisiana State 9-8-1 (3/0) ----------- 0-0-0 (0/0)

  • (Real Record. Never Released or Sold a fighter. Louisiana State's fights not counted cause this is a bought fighter. Never fought with Louisiana State)
  • Gym's Overall Record: 40-40-6 (16/11)
  • Pro Record: 34-40-6 (16/11)
  • Amatuer Record: 6-0 (0/0)
  • Bought Fighters Records (after I bought them): 0-0
  • Bought Fighters Records (before I bought them): 9-8-1 (3/0)